Marc Whinston with Maximum Likelihood Estimator
A boy and his dog.

Everything Is Still Beautiful

My wife, Blanche, recently allowed me to watch television.

Of course, it's not plugged into a cable line, so we watched a videotape.

No, it was not the Rabbi Menachem Schneerson. It was a kiddie tape for our son, Boris.

Boris was quite amused by the musical antics that flashed by the screen. He burbled in delight and clapped his hands when good triumphed over evil.

Some people say that a seven-month-old shouldn't watch COPS, but I disagree.

I dug up my copy of "Bucket Of Blood," and we'll watch that next.

Since we bought the house, I've been so busy making sure that every nook and cranny are spotless that we hadn't had time to sit down and smell the lilacs.

Now I'll spent that precious time catching up on my wonderful, wonderful television.

If you call and get the machine, now you know why.

Fight evil,
Marc I. Whinston, Weblisher

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